Internship Program

The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office offers unpaid internships to undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in public safety, such as law enforcement, detention, community services and administration.  Our internship program allows students to get quality hands-on experience while also providing an opportunity to explore a career with the agency.

The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office Internship Program is available throughout the year in conjunction with academic semesters: spring (Januar-April), summer (May-August), and fall (September-December).  It is recommended that students submit the application 10-12 weeks prior to the semester they wish to begin the internship to allow for ample time to complete the selection process.
Student applicants will only be accepted in the Internship Program if they meet the following criteria:

  • U.S. citizen at least 18 years of age.
  • In good academic standing with their college or university.
  • Must be enrolled in school during the semester the student plans to intern.
  • Recommended by their college or university to participate in the program.

The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office will accept internship applications from in-state and out-of-state college and university students.  A letter of introduction and approval must be obtained from the school being attended by the applicant. The letter should specify the following:

  • Curriculum (student’s major course of study).
  • Student status (applicants must be a registered college or university student, currently in good academic standing).
  • Anticipated graduation date (month and year).
  • Number of credit hours being sought through the internship.

Applicants for the Student Internship Program will be processed as follows:

  • Completion and submission of the application for internship.
  • Copy of Driver’s License, Student ID, or Applicant photo (for file).
  • Fingerprints to be submitted to GCIC (Waiver must be signed and attached).
  • Criminal and driver’s history check (Waiver must be signed and attached).
  • Sign a current Awareness Statement.
  • Complete training on the Security and Integrity of Criminal Justice Information.
  • Sign a Hold Harmless Release.
  • File approval by the Captain of Community Services Division
  • Placement if the file is approved.  Student will be notified in writing if the application is denied.


Once the student has successfully completed the review process, a suitable assignment will be made for the intern.  Any Division within the Agency may request an internship; however the division with the greatest need and the goals of the student will be determining factors as to where the intern is placed.

The division receiving the intern will be responsible for the intern’s duties while completing the internship.  Supervisors responsible for the intern should utilize the intern in the most beneficial way possible, and supplement their academic assignment with police type functions that would round out their internship.

The intern’s immediate supervisor is responsible for completing any of the school correspondence pertaining to the intern’s performance.  The supervisor should monitor the intern’s attendance, skills and abilities, and make overall assessments of the student’s progress so that any school evaluations can be completed.

The intern will be held to the standards of the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office policies and procedures, and any disciplinary issues will be directed to the Chief Deputy, and may be grounds for immediate expulsion from the program.

At the end of the internship period, notice that the student successfully completed the internship should be forwarded to the Community Services Division by the intern’s assigned supervisor so that it can be included in the intern’s file.

A personnel file of all applicants who apply for, and complete an internship with the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office will be maintained in the Community Services Division.